SaveTNet CEO, Rianette Leibowitz
"Sadly, many young people commit suicide because of cyberbullying and SaveTNet aims to save lives by creating awareness for responsible digital engagement. Cyberbullying has a long lasting effect and we encourage viewers to consider the consequences of what they share via digital platforms," says SaveTNet Cyber Safety Chief Executive Officer, Rianette Leibowitz. "Partners, such as Cartoon Network, enable us to share the cyber safety message with a wider audience to ensure people know that there is help and support available, and that they are not alone."
CN Buddy Network Ambasador 2017,
Ntando Mahlangu
"What an honour to follow in the footsteps of Wayde van Niekerk, CN Buddy Network's brand ambassador for 2016. Wayde is an amazing athlete and I aspire to be like him one day. To learn that he was once bullied, was an opportunity for me to be brave and speak out about my experience in order to raise awareness around discrimination regarding disabilities," says Ntando Mahlangu. "I am proud of who I am and what I have accomplished and I hope my bully can see me now! I was so excited when Cartoon Network approached me, I appreciate having the opportunity to inspire other kids like me, to be proud of who they are. I know what it feels like to be bullied, it's not cool. If you are being bullied, speak up so that together, we can beat the bully!"
Cartoon Network's CN Buddy Network is an anti-bullying campaign started by Cartoon Network in the US, which was then adopted in the UK in November 2014 to tie in with national anti-bullying week. In March 2016, Cartoon Network launched CN Buddy Network across Africa, in partnership with Childline and gold Olympic medallist and world record holder, Wayde van Niekerk.
This year, 15-year-old, double amputee Paralympian, Ntando Mahlangu, has teamed up with Cartoon Network to launch the 2017 anti-bullying campaign, CN Buddy Network, in Africa. The initiative, started on 23 June 2017, encourages children and young people to 'Be a Buddy, Not a Bully'. The campaign aims to raise awareness around bullying, empowering children of Africa to take positive action against discrimination and bullying, on and offline.
Childline South Africa works to protect children from violence and advance children's rights in South Africa. Childline runs a 24-hour, toll-free telephone counselling service for children and adults, handling over ½ million calls annually. In addition to the Crisis Line telephone counselling service, Childline also offers services such as online counselling, training programs for professionals in the child protection field, continuous professional development, providing court preparation for children and families and workshops on legislations & policies pertaining to children. Childline South Africa seeks to provide a better life free of abuse, neglect and exploitation for all the children of South Africa. Childline South Africa believes what they do for children today will ultimately affect who they become tomorrow.
Call Childline toll free 24X7 on 08000 55 555 or you could chat to a counsellor online by visiting our website and clicking “Chat to a Counsellor” (Chatrooms open Monday-Friday, 2-6pm)
To contact a Childline office in your region, visit
Jumping Kids is a Section 21 Trust, now classified as a Non-Profit Business by the South African Labour Act, registration number 2009/018078/08. Jumping Kids mandate is to provide amputee children, of school going age, the tools to be successful contributing members of society.
The tools focused on are:
• Access to; and maintenance of, high quality prosthetic equipment.
• Access to mainstream education.
• Access to sporting opportunities and equipment to compete.
Jumping Kids has initiated projects across Southern Africa by engaging with local communities, organisations, and government, and developed the program to include access to education through bursaries for amputee kids who show potential to excel in school.
To contact Jumping Kids, visit
>> In The Media <<
Ntando Mahlangu, a Paralympic silver medalist is the new face of the Cartoon Network’s anti-bullying campaign ‘Be a Buddy, Not a Bully’!
Radio CCFM
Rianette spoke to Jonathan from CCFM, Breakfast with Friends - listen below: